Workday Financial Reports


The following is a list of the available Workday Financial Reports used for monitoring financial activity in Workday.

Please visit the following page Workday Financials Reporting for additional information on these reports.  For a list of all Workday Finance job aids please visit

* NOTE: You can access the Workday report directly in Workday by clicking on the report name.  The report will open in new browser tab and you will be required to log into Workday.


* Login Required
Description Primary Security Role needed to run this report Notes / Comments
FIN001 - Budget to Actuals by Cost Center This report shows Revenue and Spend (Expenses) with an outline structure that uses the following rollup: Cost Center > Revenue and Spend Category Hierarchy > Revenue and Spend Category FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll This is the main report used by departments to monitor Budget to Actuals by Cost Center. You can run this report for one or multiple Cost Centers. Note: Can see Payroll Detail by enabling Additional Options on report prompt. Need access as FIN Cost Center Approver or FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll
FIN001a - Budget to Actuals by Cost Center - Direct Expenses This report shows Spend (Direct Expenses) Only with an outline structure that uses the following rollup: Cost Center > Spend Category FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll This is a simplified version of the FIN001 looking at Direct Expense only (no salaries) and defaults to Fund FD001 Operations
FIN002 - Budget to Actuals by Fund This report shows Revenue and Spend (Expenses) with an outline structure that uses the following rollup: Fund > Revenue and Spend Category Hierarchy > Revenue and Spend Category FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll Very similar to the FIN001 but grouped by Fund vs Cost Center
 - Budget to Actuals by Fund (with Worktags)
This report shows Revenue and Spend (Expenses)  for ALL Worktags: Cost Center > College Designated > Project > Gift > Grant With its own outline structure that uses the following rollup:  Revenue and Spend Category Hierarchy > Revenue and Spend Category FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll This report can be used to see All Worktags (All Funds) for a selected Cost Center.  By selecting a Cost Center, the report will then show all related Budget and Actuals for each Worktags.  The report combines all Worktags in one report as if you are running a FIN001, FIN003, FIN005, FIN008 and FIN009 all in one report.
You can run this report for one or multiple Cost Centers. Note: Can see Payroll Detail by enabling Additional Options on report prompt. Need access as FIN Cost Center Approver or FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll
FIN003 - Budget to Actuals by Project This report shows Revenue and Spend (Expenses) with an outline structure that uses the following rollup: Project > Revenue and Spend Category Hierarchy > Revenue and Spend Category FIN Project Analyst > FIN Project Analyst with Payroll Very similar to the FIN001 but grouped by Project. Please Note: You should always run this report by Project to make sure you are seeing all activity for a Project. It's very possible that a Project has actuals split among multiple Cost Centers. If you run this report by Cost Center you might not see all activity for that Project.
FIN004 - Budget to Actuals by Capital Project This report is for Capital Projects only with an outline structure that uses the following rollup: Project > Project Phase > Project Task FIN Project Analyst > FIN Project Analyst with Payroll In FY20 we loaded the Budget and Expense using the Project Phase and Task. However, in FY21 we did not use this data consistently. However, the frameworks exist when this type of reporting is needed
FIN005 - Budget to Actuals by Grant This report shows Revenue and Spend (Expenses) with an outline structure that uses the following rollup: Grant > Revenue and Spend Category Hierarchy > Revenue and Spend Category. NOTE: Includes a column for (Inception-to-Date) ITD Actuals FIN Grant Analyst > FIN Grant Analyst with Payroll In FY20 we loaded Grant Budgets using a different Plan Structure, so for FY20 Grant reporting you should run the report called "FIN005 - Budget to Actuals by Grant - FY20"
FIN008 - Budget to Actuals by Gift This report shows Revenue and Spend (Expenses) with an outline structure that uses the following rollup: Gift > Revenue and Spend Category Hierarchy > Revenue and Spend Category FIN Gift Analyst > FIN Gift Analyst with Payroll Always run this report by Gift (not Cost Center) as Gift transactions often cross or have changed over the years. You will often see one Gift used with different Cost Centers. If you run this report by Cost Center, you will only see the Gift transactions related to that Cost Center.
FIN009 - Budget to Actuals by College Designated This report shows Revenue and Spend (Expenses) with an outline structure that uses the following rollup: College Designated > Revenue and Spend Category Hierarchy > Revenue and Spend Category FIN College Designated Analyst We have very few College Designated worktags across the college. Please check with the Contoller's Office if you have any questions or concerns
FIN010 - Gift Balance This report includes a fiscal year snapshot of balances and activity for a gift. FIN Gift Analyst > FIN Gift Analyst with Payroll Always run this report by Gift (not Cost Center)

Visit this page for a detailed Job Aid:
FIN011 - Gift Market Value and Corpus This report provides a summary of corpus (donations received) and the market value of a Workday gift. The FIN011 report is mainly used by Finance and Advancement but is made available to departments as well. FIN Gift Analyst > FIN Gift Analyst with Payroll Visit this page for a detailed Job Aid:
FIN020 - Budget to Actuals by Location Can be run by Cost Center, Project, Gift ect. to show Revenue and Spend (Expense) with an outline structure that uses the following rollup: Location > Revenue and Spend Category Hierarchy > Revenue and Spend Category FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll NOTE: This report was originally built for Facilities that use the Location worktag extensively.
FIN030 - Budget to Actuals by Spend Category This report shows Spend (Expenses) Only with an outline structure that uses the following rollup: Spend Category Hierarchy > Spend Category

FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll This report is useful to see total spend across multiple one or multiple Cost Centers.

For example VP of IT wants to know how much as a division did we spend on SC20000 - Miscellaneous Office Costs
FIN031 - Budget to Actuals by Revenue Category

This report shows Revenue Only with an outline structure that uses the following rollup: Revenue Category Hierarchy > Revenue Category


FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll This report is useful to see total revenue across one or multiple Cost Centers.

For example WERS wants to know how much revenue did we bring in on RC40000 - Gifts
FIN100 - Budget to Actuals by VP Area This report shows Revenue and Spend (Expenses) with an outline structure that uses the following rollup: Fund > Cost Center > Revenue and Spend Category Hierarchy > Revenue and Spend Category This report is restricted - access requested thru Budget Office These reports are used to support monthly meetings with the Budget Office and VP Areas
FIN101 - Budget to Actuals by VP Area - FY Comparison This report is the same as the FIN100, however it displays two (2) fiscal years of data. This report shows Revenue and Spend (Expenses) with an outline structure that uses the following rollup: Fund > Cost Center > Revenue and Spend Category Hierarchy > Revenue and Spend Category This report is restricted - access requested thru Budget Office These reports are used to support monthly meetings with the Budget Office and VP Areas
FIN102 - Budget to Actuals by VP Area This report shows Spend (Expenses) Only with an outline structure that uses the following rollup: Cost Center Hierarchy > Cost Center > Spend Category Hierarchy > Spend Category > Fund This report is restricted - access requested thru Budget Office

These reports are used to support monthly meetings with the Budget Office and VP Areas

FIN104 - Budget to Actuals by VP Area - Cost Center Hierarchy
This report shows Revenue and Spend (Expenses) with an outline structure that uses the following rollup: Spend Category Hierarchy > Spend Category This report is restricted - access requested thru Budget Office

This new report is similar to other FINxxx reports, however, this report is indented to allow users to see a summary of Revenue and Spend Categories at a VP or Division level summary.



Data Audit Reports Description Primary Security Role needed to run this report Notes / Comments
Data Audit - College Designated List of College Designated Worktags and associated values
Full access to all Worktag values if you have one of the above (FIN Report) roles, except for Gifts, Grants and Projects, you will only see those Worktags that you have access to.
When looking to run Data Audit reports just type "Data Audit" in the search bar to see complete list.

NOTE: You may see additional Data Audit reports based on other Workday Security roles you are assigned in both Finance and HR

This is the primary list of Data Audit Reports used in Workday Financials
Data Audit - Cost Centers List of Cost Center Worktags and associated values
Data Audit - Funds List of Funds Worktags and associated values
Data Audit - Gifts List of Gifts Worktags and associated values
Data Audit - Grants List of Grants Worktags and associated values
Data Audit - Locations List of Locations Worktags and associated values
Data Audit - Programs List of Programs Worktags and associated values
Data Audit - Projects List of Projects Worktags and associated values
Data Audit - Revenue Categories List of Revenue Categories Worktags and associated values
Data Audit - Spend Categories List of Expense Categories Worktags and associated values
Dashboard Description Primary Security Role needed to run this report Notes / Comments
Department Financials Dashboard Use this Dashboard to combine any of the above FINxxx reports into a personalized Dashboard Follow security from FINxxx report For more information refer to the following page:

You have 2 options:

1) Refer to the Training Document pages 24 thru 26

2) Refer to the Workday Financials Reporting (video transcript from May 19, 2020 session)
fast forward to the 1:15 mark

Procurement Dashboard Use this Dashboard to see detailed information for Purchase Requisitions, Purchase Orders (POs) and Invoices by Supplier
Non PO Invoice Spend - Cost Center These are Supplier Invoice Requests for a selected Cost Center(s) FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll
For more information refer to the following page:

You have 2 options:

1) Refer to the Training Document pages 27 thru 29

2) Refer to the Workday Financials Reporting (video transcript from May 19, 2020 session)
fast forward to the 1:20 mark

Non PO Invoice Spend - Project These are Supplier Invoice Requests for a selected Project(s) FIN Project Analyst > FIN Project Analyst with Payroll
PO Remaining Balance By Supplier - Cost Center Displays open POs by Supplier for a selected Cost Center(s) FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll
PO Remaining Balance By Supplier - Cost Center - All Pos Displays All POs (open and closed) by Supplier for a selected Cost Center(s) FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll
PO Remaining Balance By Supplier - Project Displays open POs by Supplier for a selected Project(s) FIN Project Analyst > FIN Project Analyst with Payroll
Top Suppliers by Spend (PO & Non PO) - Cost Center Provides a list of top suppliers by spend (which supplier did you spend the most $$ with) FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll
Top Suppliers by Spend (PO & Non PO) - Cost Center and Location Provides a list of top suppliers by spend (which supplier did you spend the most $$ with) FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll
Top Suppliers by Spend (PO & Non PO) - Location Provides a list of top suppliers by spend (which supplier did you spend the most $$ with) FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll
Top Suppliers by Spend (PO & Non PO) - Location across Spend Category Provides a list of top suppliers by spend (which supplier did you spend the most $$ with) FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll
Top Suppliers by Spend (PO & Non PO) - Project Provides a list of top suppliers by spend (which supplier did you spend the most $$ with) FIN Project Analyst > FIN Project Analyst with Payroll
Top Suppliers by Spend (PO & Non PO) - Spend Category across Location Provides a list of top suppliers by spend (which supplier did you spend the most $$ with) FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll
Total PO Value By Supplier - Cost Center Top list of Supplier(s) by highest PO(s) $$ value with Supplier, $$, % of total and PO Count FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll
Total PO Value By Supplier - Project Top list of Supplier(s) by highest PO(s) $$ value with Supplier, $$, % of total and PO Count FIN Project Analyst > FIN Project Analyst with Payroll
Expense Management Dashboard EC Use this Dashboard to see detailed information for Expense Reports (including Pcard transactions) for Employees and Non Employees
Cycle Times by Payee Top Expense Payee by $$, showing the following fields: Employee Total, Amount, Count (# of Expense Reports), Avg Days to Submit, Avg Days to Approve, Avg Days to Pay FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll
For more information refer to the following page:

You have 2 options:

1) Refer to the Training Document page 30

2) Refer to the Workday Financials Reporting (video transcript from May 19, 2020 session)
fast forward to the 1:25 mark
Expenses by Expense Item Top Expense Items by $$ FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll
Expenses by Expense Item and Cost Center Top Expense Items by $$ and Cost Center FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll
Expenses by External Committee Member Top Expenses by Committee Member (Non-Worker Expense Report) by $$ and Count (# of Expense Reports) FIN Cost Center Approver > FIN Cost Center Analyst > FIN Cost Center Analyst with Payroll


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