Emerson College is always in need of competitively priced quality products and services. Procurement is committed to providing our College suppliers with the tools and information needed to be our business partner.
Procurement Services believes in promoting a standard of diversity, inclusiveness and social justice in our procurement decisions. Interested in partnering with the College? We are always seeking talented and competitive product and service providers.
For more information, please scroll to the Interested Supplier section of this page. While your interest does not guarantee you will become an Emerson supplier, it will allow our sourcing professionals to better understand your capabilities, products, and services for future procurement opportunities.
Emerson College’s standard payment terms are Net 60; meaning payment will be made 60 days after the date listed on the invoice.
Payment Type Matrix
Payment Type | Dollar Threshold | International or within US | Payment Terms | Individuals, business, or both | Information Required |
Check | Any | Within United States | Net 60 | Both |
Remit to address
ACH (suppliers) | Any | Within United States | Net 30 | Both | Routing Number/ABA Number and Account Number |
Credit Card (Suppliers) | Any | Within United States | Net 15 | Business Only |
Email and phone number |
Wire | Any | International Vendors Only | Immediate | Both |
Bank wire instructions
Zelle | Up to $2499.99 | Within United States | Net 30 | Individuals Only |
Email and phone number
Interested Suppliers
Emerson is always seeking talented and competitive product and service providers who can fulfill the College’s needs. For this reason, the Emerson maintains a database of interested suppliers if a need arises for products or services. Please send an email to purchasing@emerson.edu outlining the general services of your company.
While this database does not guarantee Emerson will purchase products or services from you, should a need for your products or services arise, you will be contacted by Procurement to complete a more in-depth survey as a part of the supplier registration process.
Code of Ethics
As a world-class institution with wide-ranging supply needs, Emerson College recognizes the value that our suppliers provide to the Emerson community. Our goal is to create strategic relationships with a variety of suppliers who can provide superior service at the lowest total costs to the various academic and administrative branches of the College. Emerson encourages competition for College business among small businesses and firms with diverse ownership to enable our supply base to reflect the face of our student body, staff, faculty, and communities.
This commitment reinforces the research and educational objectives of the College, creates opportunities for diverse growth, and strengthens our community. By registering with Emerson College as an interested supplier, you will enable Emerson to capture your interests and allow our buyers to identify you as a potential supplier for future purchases. The diversity classification information captured during supplier registration is available to shoppers at Emerson College through our supplier list.
Tax Exempt Certificates